Hello My Friend!
I just had a conversation with a friend and it got back to a familiar refrain: “but who is to say what is right, I mean really, it is all relative you know.” Oh how that irritates! Yes, we each have our unique perspective on the world; yes, from where we each stand the world looks different and yes, indeed we have become a land of opinions.
But really…there are SOME things in the world that are not debatable and, that are in fact universal. When you decide for yourself – based on what you KNOW is right and not the reigning popular opinions – which of those you will stand up for, our world will be a better place.
Here are 12 universal principles — that are not debatable. They are spiritually based principles; and can you just imagine our world if we all ( or a critical mass, at least) believed and practiced them on a daily basis!?! It’s a beautiful vision and one we can achieve. 🙂 Let’s do our part.
Love is Right
Gratitude is Right
Freedom is Right
Peace is Right
Joy is Right
Kindness is Right
Forgiveness is Right
Humility is Right
Hope is Right
Self-Discipline is Right
Service is Right
Justice is Right
Sending you an abundance of Love,