Hello My Friend,
When I first saw this picture, I literally gasped. It’s not only beautiful, it represents our unlimited creativity. To take things that are taken to junk yards and put them to use in such a colorful, powerful and practical is what being creative is all about.
This picture elevated my mood within a moment. It’s amazing how just one millisecond of joy or creativity or beauty can light a heart on fire! I hope it jolts your heart as it did mine.
I found myself going back to it throughout the day yesterday and it’s during one of those visits that it started to go even deeper.
Just as some folks would place these tires out to the curb in a hot second – seeing nothing of value in them, yet another person would go seeking out this “garbage” in order to create a work of art, what in your life looks dead but with the right approach could be revived?
Reflection time….
I’m not suggesting you suddenly become a “garbage/crap to art” kind of person. Nothing so drastic. What I am suggesting is this:
1) Look around and identify an item that has outlived its current purpose but can be used in another way. For instance, the last box of chocolates I enjoyed is still being vicariously consumed (and enjoyed I might add) every time I look for a pair of earrings because the container is being used as a jewelry box. That brings me joy. Not only to remember the wonderful taste of something that is a decadent pleasure (for me … pre-diabetic here) but also to enjoy and be reminded of my creative potential.
2) Now what about an item you can beautify and instead of throwing it out, you can use it another area of your home?
Like our stunning use of paint on these old tires, find something you can re-cycle. Surround yourself with things that make you gasp with joy and clear away (or better yet, USE ) the clutter to make space for the beauty.
3) Reflect on things you once enjoyed or habits you once had – that were REALLY good for you. Which of those can you revive? Did you once drink a lot more water? Or, get up earlier and went to bed without the TV? Did you read more books and less FB updates? And did you once enjoy art, museums and strolls in the park? Did you almost NEVER eat junk food? Hmmmmm….. we sometimes loose the best habits and acquire quite unhealthy ones, over time… think about your best earlier habits, the ones that look pretty dead, and revive a few.
4) What about a dream you had that you never realized – how about taking that proverbial ‘raisin in the sun’ and breathing life back into it? This is no cliché — it is NEVER too late be enthusiastic about and achieve a goal that is still humanly possible. ( I only add that condition to vend off the naysayers who wish to contend that at 77, “You are not becoming a ballerina anymore!”) And even then… 🙂
5) And finally… so called dead relationships, do you have any in your life? Are there any friendships, family relations or professional connections that have just gone dry for lack of nourishment? Have you learned to do without foundational relationships because they seem unsalvageable? Can you see it another way? Can forgiveness be the relationship “defibrillator” that is needed? Reflect and take action.
Often we lose the best opportunities in life because we are unable to appreciate the value of what we already have in our hands or we simply cannot see any further value, beauty or possibility.
I urge you today to take stock and see what you already have. Give life to what you need or desire in your life by mining for the gems you might have misplaced or overlooked.
Wishing you an abundance of creativity, love and joy,
Julette Millien