Hello Friend,
Today is day 3 of my personal 21-day productivity journey and I am excited! I coach and facilitate these programs for groups and individuals and the outcomes are always amazing. I wanted to experience it again so I decided to customize a program just for me and I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to go “into the workshop” and focus on sharpening my skills and feeding my spirit. It is so very important to do this from time to time!
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln
I’ve got specific goals and a daily plan for implementation. The accountability partner is in place and doing a great job, I might add. 🙂 Instead of being more busy with my long list of action items, constantly, I’m actually creating more mental space in my life by getting more things done, more efficiently.
When we do things that have been put off, it’s a remarkable sense of relief. Not only does the thing get done, but we also release all the guilt, shame and heaviness of things hanging over our head from day to day.
So — what have you been putting off, like forever?
As you finished reading that question a few things if not one main thing popped into your mind…THAT’S the thing to focus on.
There’s something magical about doing a thing that has been put off for as long as you can remember. You find energy and optimism you didn’t know existed. All your senses become more aligned with your environment…you become more connected and aligned with all things productive, positive and powerful.
Do that thing you resist and the empowerment will flow. It makes perfect sense…when we avoid doing a thing; it grows and takes up space in our mind, body and spirit. And this grows the more and longer it is avoided so doing the thing removes it from being a ‘space hogging’ idea and suddenly you have more creative space and energy for other vital goals. So doing this thing becomes more about creating space and empowering your self than the thing itself….though getting it done finally will probably have its own real rewards.
Do the following:
- Create a list of those things you have been resisting and putting off
- Reflect and write a few sentences on why doing that thing is important and what the benefits will be from getting it (them) done
- Choose 1 – 3 of those things (depending on time needed to complete) and complete them TODAY
- If they are not able to be completed today, engage a friend to help by being an accountability partner (tell them what needs to be done and when you intend to complete it – give them permission to hold you to your commitment)
- After you complete your action items, celebrate and enjoy in some small but symbolic way – it is important to acknowledge the accomplishment
- Review your entire list and place dates of completion next to each item – and get to it!
This is key: It is essential that you FORGIVE yourself for all work left undone to date. Without this sense of pardon and grace, you will approach this period of productivity with a heavy heart, filled with blame, guilt and even shame. Wipe the slate clean and move forward in lightness!
Wishing you an abundance of peace, joy and productivity,