Hello My Friend!
What do you think the #1 reason is – why people change?
Nothing to do (kinda strong, I know!) with planning change, thinking about change, visioning and imagining change, being lectured about change or reading about change!
Let’s stop the delusions about all this other stuff.
Yes, they help to prepare people to change –
But I wonder what that gigantic number is – of the millions of people who are PREPARED to change, would LOVE TO change, who NEED so badly to change, have EVERY REASON in the world to change, have others SUPPORTING their need to change, have LOVED ONES URGING them to change and, who THINK about change daily, they even imagine it and daydream about it… BUT…BUT… THEY DO NOT CHANGE.
MILLIONS upon millions, I tell you!!!
Stuck, just not changing, seems to be the order of the day; Lots of talk about it, posts on Facebook about it, tweets on it and pictures supporting it. But still people keep doing the same stupid stuff every day. Is that too blunt? OK, how’s this “still people keep doing the same ineffective, self-sabotaging stuff every day?”
Why oh why? Why do we all take turns doing that? You know what, it really doesn’t matter. Ok, so it might matter to the person in question – But as far as taking actual steps to change, knowing ‘why am I not changing” is not that magical ‘tipping point’ bit of info.
Nope. Ask all the millions who’ve had many a break-through in therapy – therapies that are costing thousands upon thousands – and still, no change. Insight and Information does not necessarily lead to change.
So why (and when) then do people change?
They TAKE ACTION. Period.
BECAUSE they get up off of their but when a thought occurs to them about “this is ridiculous now, you need to change” and they DO SOMETHING, they TAKE ACTION, they do SOMETHING DIFFERENT in this moment than in the last.
They get sick and tired of being sick and tired!
What is change? Being and/or doing something different today than yesterday.
This article talks about the #1 Reason People DON’T change… and what’s that?
RESISTANCE to change. The perfect antidote to resistance is ACTION.
Now if you want to spend more time analyzing and figuring out this and that about why you are not changing – please know you are PROCRASTINATING.
Yes, sometimes we need to be still and hear from God, meditate on and create appropriate next steps but, if you find you are STUCK doing this and not being moved to taking action so you can realize actual change, then CHANGE YOUR STRATEGY and recognize the obvious.
You NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Not just once, but consistently.
But focusing on that one first step is really all you need to do if you are stuck. Then taking it one hour and then one day at a time, remain engaged in your solution; remain engaged in your process.
When we ignore the inner call to resist and TAKE ACTION ANYWAY – even if every fiber in your body is saying RESIST – telling you NOT to take action in this moment. If you take action anyway, regardless of the emotional pull to engage in that alluring non-activity… THE CHANGE WILL BEGIN.
It may be a VERY SMALL almost not discernible change – but if you did that thing, you KNOW you started, your brain has that action in memory and the next step will be a tiny bit easier.
You just NEED TO START!!!
While we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and our motivation for action is ideally spiritual, sometimes we need to start with the physical – TAKE ACTION – DO something in order to ignite the spiritual process of BEing our best self.
Now a word of caution – some people are doers of many things because they have mastered some aspects of self-discipline. I urge you to not get caught up in the web of ‘doing’ without the essential of ‘being’ as your priority. For instance, it’s quite possible to do many acts of kindness without a kind heart. That’s doing without being. And that is an empty life. Busy but empty.
7 Helpful tips to get going when stuck:
Allocate a few minutes to doing one of these – and then TAKE ACTION in the area you are trying to impact. You can always do more of any one of these but remember your goal is to take action in a specific area of needed change.
If you are sitting, stand and if standing, walk
Move your body – jog, dance or jump rope
Breathe deeply – use your diaphragm
Be STILL for one minute – breathing in optimism and love, breathing out anxiety and doubt
Listen to an inspiring, ‘get up and move’ piece of music
AFFIRM you way into movement/action
Meditate on your WHY – have an imagination session, visualizing vividly why taking this step and making this specific change is necessary
If you are committed to making a change and you take the time to think through your plan, put an accountability system in place and take daily action (see 21-day ‘create a new habit’ e-coaching offer on this site – it’s FREE) you WILL see, feel and be changed. It is not mysterious or magical… well, there is actually a magical feeling that results. 🙂
You will feel so wonderful, so energized, so potent and on top of the world…when you craft a needed change in your life. So go for it!
Start something life-transforming today – with one simple and small step. Or a big one, if you wish. Just start!!!
Sending you an abundance of love, joy and encouragement,