Hello Kind Soul! How are you doing? I trust your focus on acts of kindness in your life – regardless of how you are feeling – is bringing you much joy and a warm inner glow of love. 🙂 If you’re forgetting about our kindness adventure sometimes, no worries, just pick up and keep going. […]
The Young and the Angel – Day 4 of 21-Day Kindness Adventure
[This 21-day series is focused on KINDNESS, a tremendous Habit that Helps. 21 Days of Action with Kindness is also a Facebook event. If you’re on Facebook you are invited to join us… Today is Day 4~ previous messages begin here with Day 1 Day 2 and Day 3 ] Hi there kind person 🙂 […]
21-Day Kindness Adventure: Day 3 ~ FORGIVE Yourself!
[This 21-day series — 21 Days of Action with Kindness is also a Facebook event. If you’re on Facebook you are invited to join us… Today is Day 3. Here is a link to Day 1’s message and suggestions ► http://bit.ly/eYZT8V ; Day 2 is here ► http://bit.ly/hG52EQ ] Hello! The past 2 days we’ve […]
Being Kind: Try Gratitude, Encouragement and Spontaneity
[This 21-day series — 21 Days of Action with Kindness is also a Facebook event. If you’re on Facebook you are invited to join us… Day 1 was January 25, 2011. Here is a link to day 1’s message and suggestions ► http://bit.ly/eYZT8V ] Hi there! I hope you had a very wonderful day yesterday, […]
21-Day Kindess Adventure – Day 1!
Hello Kind and Wonderful You! Today is day one of 21 days of kindness. I know you have already started. But today we start as a group and my excitement is ***off the charts***. I tell you, there is NOTHING like kindness as a way of taking the joy of living to a whole other […]
21 Days of Action with Kindness…Join us?
Hello, When I thought about a habit to start off the year, I immediately thought about KINDNESS. When we did this last year on Facebook more people signed up (approximately 5000) for that event than any of our other “online retreats.” People just LOVE being kind…so here it is! 🙂 Just imagine what your day […]
The dramatic start of 2011
Hello, December 31, 2010 ended in a way that I would never have imagined it could; me in the emergency room, wondering if I just had a stroke! Even to type those words, it takes my breath away a bit. You see, I think I’m too young (and healthy) for such possibilities…but yes I know, […]
Wishing you a very FORGIVING New Year
Hello, I want to wish you the most wonderful year of your life. I wish you an abundance of joy, peace, love, health and prosperity. From my experience and the experience of many people throughout history, I know that one sure path to all of the above is having a forgiving spirit, heart and mind. […]
2010 Life Review: Top 11 Questions
Hello, We are expanding our review. Instead of looking back on the 21 days of detox challenge, as we are at the end of 2010, let us review the entire year. Why do a yearly review? In keeping with living life at your highest and best, going from one year to the next without capturing […]
Let’s take a look back to MOVE FORWARD – 21-DD Wrap-Up
The following message was sent at the end of the last 21-day detox, see updates in red… Hello, Congratulations to you for signing up for this detox challenge! Congratulations for completing it and for hanging in there. And congratulations for giving it your best shot even if you did not complete it at the level […]