Hello, So today is the last day of our 21-day detox challenge and you have to end it right people! 🙂 Here’s how to end a journey: With JOY…for having done it. For completing it and taking it on in the first place. With GRATITUDE…When you return home from a fabulous vacation, aren’t you grateful […]
The Morning After – Rest, Reflect and Account: Day 19 of 21-DD
Hello, This morning my street screamed peace. The stillness took my breath away. On the other hand, last night when we pulled into the driveway, we had to be extra careful because cars were so packed in and the sounds of family chatter and laughter were coming from several directions. The memory of that made […]
My top 5 Influencers and what I would change
Hello, Yesterday I suggested you reflect on what/who influences you and asked you to select your top five from the following list. Choose your top 5: 1. Loved ones- family members – close 2. Loved ones – family members – distant (family heroes, deceased, etc) 3. Readings – books, articles, news, Facebook/online links and leads […]
Pick Your Top 5 Influencers ~ Day 15 of 21-DD
Hello, Today’s word is INFLUENCE. As you do your daily challenges designed to detox your spirit, mind and body, you exist within a sphere of influence. We all do, being all human. No one exists onto him or herself. Today’s suggestion: Define your circle of influence: What and who influences you? Who do you influence? […]
What’s Your Choice, Excellence or Mediocrity? ~ Day 14 of 21DD
Hello, I know it might sound so trite but it is still the truth. In every moment that we are in possession of our right mind, we are able to choose between excellence and mediocrity. First, what is excellence? I know you think you know but did you know this: (This is part of a […]
First Things First – Day 10 of 21DD
Hello, “Spirit instructs my mind and my mind instructs my body.” This is how we are constructed and it’s one of my favorite affirmations. Dr. Therman Evans is credited with bringing that phrase to life for me recently. We are spiritual beings in a physical body. Our highest and greatest power comes not from our […]
Serotonin Boosters – Day 9 of 21-DD
Hello there! When the 21 challenges for this 21-day detox were created there were some guiding questions. First of all, there was consideration for what will truly challenge participants to stretch beyond their comfort zone because as we know, when we stretch we grow. We also considered what types of exercises would lead to a […]
How to speak positive words ~ Day 8 of 21-DD
Hello, Today let’s take a closer look at the words we actually speak. Dr. Carolyn Leaf, author of Who Switched Off My Brain? says in her book, “the words you speak are electromagnetic life forces that come from a thought inside your brain and are influenced by your five senses” She goes on to reference […]
Overwhelmed? Day 7 of 21-DD
Hello, I KNOW this challenge is not easy, believe me. As challenges go, committing to 21 challenges to be completed in 21 days, with most requiring some serious adjustments to daily routines is NO JOKE a serious challenge. Remaining engaged with this journey requires high-level commitment and self-discipline. And, as mentioned yesterday, facing challenges is […]
Face it, Finally! Day 6 of 21-DD
Hello, How many times have you said or heard someone say “challenges make us grow,” or “challenges stretch us”? Upon hearing this statement I bet you agreed! So if you really agree with that statement, can you also say that the last time you had a challenge, you acted on this knowledge? Think of the […]