Practice… Can you imagine life without it? I mean really…if everything we did was without practice, can you just imagine how dismal that would be? Practice gives us a chance to get better and better at what we choose to excel in. Young people often look at practice as drudgery. They moan and groan about […]
Get Organized in 3 steps and 5 Minutes!
Hello, Don’t take the power of organization for granted. This is a ‘NO JOKE’ powerful skill set to have. It’s actually a spiritual principle… “let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Cor 14:40 The difference between being organized – life, files, clothes, pictures, efiles, papers, books, desk drawers, desk top, etc, etc…. […]
Count your “I can’ts” and your “I cans”
During this long holiday weekend, just for one day keep track of how many times you say “I can’t” to yourself or to others and the number of times you say “I can.” You can include in there all the variations like: “I’m so stupid” […]
Giving Thanks For Real – in 7 Steps
Hello, Why “For Real?” Because we so often pay lip service to this national holiday for giving thanks. Many of us gather with obscene quantities of food, sit to have a meal fit for a king right next to a person we refuse to pass the peas to, much less converse with and God forbid, […]
Getting More Done – Forgive Someone at Work
Hello! We often think of forgiveness as this pseudo spiritual concept that is only about personal hurt from personal relationships and accepting apologies and saying I’m sorry from and to loved ones. Forgiveness is not limited to personal relationships on the home or family front. It’s to do with every aspect of your life. There […]
Getting More Done – How To Manage Your Feelings
Over the years, people have said to me again and again…and I have said to myself too… “These feelings are in my way.” Feelings are always getting in the way of getting things done. They seem to have a mind of their own – and actually that statement is more accurate than cliché. Our feelings […]
Getting More Done
Hi there! So much has been said and written about productivity. Everyone has an opinion and “fresh” perspective. Here’s an approach that’s not so fresh but will have the desired results – getting more done – if first, you honestly respond… ►First a few simple questions: Are you clear on WHAT (more) you’re trying to […]
21-Day Detox Challenge ~ Spirit, Mind & Body: Wrap-Up
Wrap–Up & Gather the Lessons Hello, Congratulations to you for signing up for this detox challenge! Congratulations for completing it and for hanging in there. And congratulations for giving it your best shot even if you did not complete it at the level you intended. If you did not, there is always ‘doing it again!’ […]
Day 20 – A little reflection
Hello! The following message was sent to the Facebook event participants of 21-Day Detox Challenge – Spirit, Mind & Body on Day 20 of our journey. All previous messages can be found here. The Facebook event is here and the video introduction is here. You can still join – we began on October 18th – but […]
Let’s End With A BANG!!!
Hi FABulous Folks! Just 5…for many 4 more days to go…Day 21 of our challenge is November 7th — Sunday! Listen I am so thrilled with how productive and peaceful so many of you have been during this challenge. Lots of upheavals too. But it’s all good. Some things need to be stirred up. So […]