Yesterday I suggested you “adjust your mindset” with regard to this 21-day detox challenge we are about to begin. Now I know THAT suggestion is WAY more “easier said than done!” So today let’s go just a little deeper. How does one adjust a mindset? Below is my strategy for ‘in the moment’ adjustments. When […]
Why Detox?
Why “Detoxify” or “Detox”? Here’s my thinking; people who experience on and off success, roller-coaster productivity or, who are simply not at their highest and best ON A CONSISTENT BASIS are generally suffering from ‘ISIS’ which is ‘inconsistent self-image syndrome.’ Under otherwise normal conditions, ISIS is at the root of all failure to achieve goals […]
Why habits that help
I have been working in the self-help industry for almost three decades. I’ve coached hundreds of people and taught thousands. Burn-out for me came in 1998. I wish I could give the details but ethics won’t allow. I can only give a general overview. While I was coaching a senior executive on presentation skills, I realized […]
How Knowing Your Ant From Your Elephant Helps With Self-Discipline
The following message was sent to the participants of the 75 Days of Action Challenge on Facebook. Hi there self-disciplined people! Yesterday we referenced that Aristotle quote about creating habits of excellence by what you DO each day. Today I’d like you to consider what you THINK each day. You will get some great insights […]
21-Day Detox Challenge ~ Spirit, Mind & Body
F R E E 21-Day Challenge! Welcome to the powerful 21-Day Detox: Spirit, Mind and Body ! If you are fully committed to these challenges you WILL experience a transformation like no other you have ever experienced. Well of course you may be a consistently high-performing person who gracefully moves from one high-energy, productive experience […]
Daily Forgiveness Ritual
Daily Forgiveness Ritual Do at least twice a day; at night before bedtime and first thing in the morning as you rise. Since the beginning of time, it seems that rituals have served humanity. Now they CAN become routine, ineffective and unnecessarily grand BUT when used consciously and lovingly, rituals can provide a consistency like […]